Management Trainer for Speaking and Writing
Management Trainer for Speaking and Writing

Welcome to Management Trainer for Speaking and Writing. This course is for mid-level managers and office staff who want to upgrade their speaking and writing skills within varied business contexts. Management Trainer focuses on daily tasks that managers face. You will be required to use your knowledge, comprehension, and application skills. Situations include customer and employee relations, negotiations, greetings and farewells, and communicating company policies.

Begin by clicking Directions and Setup to ensure your Flash version and microphone settings are correct. Then click a practice session to begin your training. You will be asked to listen or read a passage, then to record or write your response. In most of the exercises, you will also be asked to summarize what you have heard or read. Your responses will be saved, but you can go back at any time and re-do a question. You may practice each question as many times as you require.

When you are finished, go back to each question, review your answer, and compare with the model answer provided by our business English experts.

Speaking Trainer
Directions and Setup Demo         
Practice 1: Verbal Report Demo            
Practice 2: Presentation Enter            
Practice 3: Phone Enter            
Practice 4: Face to face Enter            

Writing Trainer

Directions and Setup Enter         
Practice 1: Written Report Enter            
Practice 2: Letter Enter            
Practice 3: E-mail/Fax Enter            
Practice 4: Memo/Note Enter            


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