TOEFL IBT Speaking Directions

TOEFL IBT Speaking Directions

In this section, you will be asked to respond to a variety of tasks and topics. There are six tasks. Respond to each task as completely as you can, always speaking clearly into the microphone.

For tasks 1 and 2, you will speak about topics that are familiar to you. Your responses will be graded on your ability to speak about the topics clearly.

For tasks 3 and 4, you will be asked to read a short text. The text will then go off the screen and you will hear a talk on the same topic. For each task, you will be asked a question about what you have read and heard. You will need to use information from the text and the talk to answer the questions. Your responses will be graded on your ability to speak clearly and accurately about what you have read and heard.

For tasks 5 and 6, you will hear part of a dialogue or an academic talk. For each task, you will then answer a question about what you have heard. Your responses will be graded on your ability to speak clearly and accurately about what you have heard.

You are allowed to take notes during the reading and listening. You are allowed to use your notes to help you respond.

Listen closely to the directions for each task. You will not see the directions on the screen.

For each task, you will be given a short time to prepare your response. A clock on the screen will show how much preparation time remains. After the preparation time is finished, you will hear a beep. You will be given a certain amount of time to speak. A clock will show how much speaking time remains. A message will appear on the screen when your speaking time has finished.


Speaking Section Directions

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