TOEFL Practice Course
TOEFL Practice Benefits
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TOEFL Course Benefits

TOEFL Practice Course

4 TOEFL IBT graded tests
Speaking and Writing Trainer
TOEFL Skills Trainer
180 day access
30 day money back guarantee

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"I think that the TOEFL test Trainer that you have at TestDEN was fundamental for my high score on the test. I got an impressive 113 thanks to all the extensive training I did at your page. Thank you very much!"
- Fabio, Brazil
412 Highway 6
East Amherst, N.S.
Tel: (604) 638-1553

Helping students since 1997.

Satisfied Customer Feedback:

"I would like to thank the splendid TESTDEN course, without which I could not have achieved a total score of 92 on the TOEFL, and 27 in reading. I would recommend TESTDEN for anyone who needs to raise their English to a higher level. The TESTDEN course gave me the opportunity to become familiarized with TOEFL Ibt interface, times, and scores, which resulted in less pressure on the day I took the TOEFL test. And, as I was more relaxed my english have flowed naturally, which directly affected my result. Now, I am very confident that I will be accepted for my PhD at Canada. "
- Marcelo, Brazil

"When I was starting my preparation for the TOEFL test, I was aware that my skills in English would not improve without continuous practice of speaking, listening, and writing. I have no doubt that TestDEN sharpened those skills and pinpointed the areas that I had to improve to raise my TOEFL score."
- Carlos, United States

"I can state categorically that TestDEN has a valuable and effective method of increasing a student's performance on the TOEFL test."
- Chris Surridge, Republic of Korea

"Dear TestDEN Team, thank you very much for the test. I have really taken benefit from it. I appreciate it. "
- Dler, Iraq

"I got the same score on the real TOEFL test as in your post-test. Would you like to know if your program is helpful? Yes it is! I'm really amazed how you worked it out."
- Doreen, United States

"Thank you for your TestDEN TOEFL course. It improved my language skills. I recommend this program for anyone who wants to take the TOEFL test."
- Dora, United States

"I think the site Testden is very good and the tests and exercices are very useful. I hope I will succeed the Toefl exam in few months. Testden will be my help to do that."
- Nicole, Switzerland

"I think TestDEN Trainer is a great Web site for self-education. The best thing is that you can have a lot of practice at any time."
- Hsieh, United States

"I would highly recommend TestDEN to any student wanting to take the TOEFL test."
- Kenneth Beare

"I passed the TOEFL test. If I didn't have TestDEN's help, I might have failed. Thank you."
- D.S. Kim, United States

"Thnk you so much 4 such a helpful website......"
- Nasim, India

Click on each image to enlarge
  • Instant password-protected access to our Online TOEFL Course . Receive your password within seconds after you register online!
Instant password access.[a href="" target="_blank"] Buy Now[/a]!
  • Four complete TOEFL practice exams that give you a detailed look at what the test is like. Each test contains reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections and is graded by TestDEN teachers.
Four complete TOEFL IBT practice exams.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • Timed reading section so you know exactly what to expect. You may suspend your test at any time, and continue where you left off the next time you log in.
Timed reading section so you know exactly what to expect.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • Authentic listening section.
Authentic listening section.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • Using a headset and microphone, record yourself in the speaking section. TestDEN technology digitizes and saves your answers on our server.
TestDEN technology digitizes and saves your answers on our server.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • Timed writing section gives you practice writing under pressure.
Timed writing section gives you practice writing under pressure.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • When you finish each TOEFL practice test, you will receive an estimated score. Speaking and writing passages will be graded by TestDEN teachers.
When you finish each TOEFL practice test, you will get an estimated score. Speaking and writing passages will be graded by TestDEN staff.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • But don't stop there. Go back and review the questions that you got wrong! A detailed explanation is given for each answer so you can learn from your mistakes.
A detailed explanation is given for each answer so you can learn from your mistakes.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • BONUS: TOEFL Trainer for Speaking and Writing offers an extra 40 speaking and 20 writing exercises. Each exercise contains a model response so you can study how to improve your score in these sections.
BONUS: TOEFL Trainer for Speaking and Writing offers an extra 40 speaking and 20 writing exercises. [a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
  • BONUS: TOEFL Skills Trainer offers 24 practice sets and 2,400 additional reading and listening questions. Go through one practice set every day and watch your TOEFL score go higher!
BONUS: TOEFL Skills Trainer offers 24 practice sets and 2,400 additional reading and listening questions.[a href="" target="_blank"]Buy Now[/a]!
Do a free mini TOEFL test to see what the Online TOEFL test is like.

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