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Analysis Of Simple Sentence

Let us analyze the following simple sentence:

Milton, the author of Paradise Lost, was deeply versed in ancient learning.

Milton, the author of Paradise Lost, is the subject.

Was deeply versed in ancient learning is the predicate.

Milton is the principal word of the subject, and is modified by the appositive author.

Author is modified by the adjective the which is an article, and by the adjective phrase of Paradise Lost.

Was is the predicate verb, and is modified by the predicate adjective versed, by the adverb deeply and by the adverbial phrase in ancient learning.

Learning is modified by the adjective ancient.

We see from the analysis of this sentence that to analyze a simple sentence is to name:

1. Its subject.

2. Its predicate.

3. The principal word of the subject with its modifiers.

4. The modifiers of any other words in the subject.

5. Its predicate verb.

6. The modifiers of its predicate verb.

7. The modifiers of any other words in its predicate.

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