Free GMAT® Practice Test

TestDEN's online GMAT practice exam takes 22 minutes. Get a high score and win a Business English Course!

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Free GMAT Practice Test Instructions

This GMAT test simulation is offered by TestDEN.com to help you prepare for graduate business school in the USA and Canada. Since 1997, TestDEN.com has helped tens of thousands of students achieve their educational goals.

  • Enter your user name and e-mail (used to notify monthly winners). See Privacy Policy.
  • When you log out, return using your name and e-mail.
  • You can do the GMAT practice exam up to 3 times, as there are three practice tests available.
  • Each GMAT test requires 22 minutes.
  • TestDEN will contact Course winners by e-mail. See our list of winners below.

Top GMAT Practice Test scores are displayed on the score board. Good luck!

Contest Rules:

  • 1. Every month, TestDEN will randomly select a winner who will receive a free Business English online course (value US$129).
  • 2. Contest winners will be announced one week after the end of each month.
  • 3. At the end of each month, all user scores will be removed from the score board. Users who have not won may participate in the contest for the next month.
  • 4. TOEIC Course winners are not eligible to win future monthly prizes.

Still have a question we haven't answered? E-mail us at comment@testden.com.

Contest Winners:

1. TestDEN will contact winners by e-mail. Free GMAT Test winners must reply by e-mail.
2. Challenge winners must reply within 3 days. If TestDEN does not receive your e-mail reply, we will select a new winner.

Winner's Circle

Sanne from the Netherlands
I just graduated from a Bachelor in International Business in July this year. Following my Bachelor, I really want to obtain a Master's degree in Accountancy. To be admitted into this programme, I needed to submit a GMAT score. I strongly believe that the GMAT test is a good measure to predict a student's success in graduate business programmes. I remember that I struggled a lot taking my first practice test. However, with many hours of practicing and preparing, I really improved. The TestDen challenges were also very helpful, as they helped me improve my skills in the verbal section. Yesterday, I took the official GMAT test for the first time and I scored 700! Thank you TestDen!

Iman from Jordan
I am a manager at a student service provider company. The gmat test is difficult however it truly does test ur abilities and the results reflect your ability to comprehend and analyze different types of questions. Thank you.

Dominic from Australia
This is great news. I am an accountant whilst studying for the GMAT. The GMAT is the ticket to my dream degree in the Netherlands (Msc Finance and Investments). I am quite nervous to do it, as the study so far as has been very challenging. My source of motivation though is to study overseas in the Netherlands. Thanks again.

Patrick from Germany
I have recently finished my undergraduate and I am now working in the risk management department of a German car manufacturer. I think the GMAT is an interesting test which measures different skills a business student should have.

Gabriella from Hungary
Currently I work as an Internal Control Coordinator at the regional headquaters of a US auto maker in Hungary. I am planning to take the GMAT as part of an application for an MBA scholarship in the US, the application deadline is next summer, so I still have plenty of time to prepare for the test. I completed the practice test on your website because I was curious what level I am without any study and I was quite pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Luis from Mexico
I am a film student at the University of Texas at Austin. I plan on taking the GMAT after graduation to apply to graduate school. Some of my friends and family have told me it is a very challenging test, so I wanted to be prepared and have a good understanding of what the questions will look like.

Longjin from Singapore
I am a legal inhouse professional who advises on all legal matters regarding the corporation which employs me. I have been revising 3 times a week for the GMAT test and find it extremely challenging because it has been more than ten years since I did maths. However, while struggling through my revision, I am also enjoying the challenge because the GMAT tests one's ability to think logically while having a good grasp of fundamental concepts.

Klara from Ireland
I am a Contract & Payroll Executive. I found the test quite hard in a good way. I had to read questions more than once to make sure I understood well. I thought the complexity was pretty impsesive and I was happy with the result.

Caio from Brazil
I am a Software Engineer. I believe the TestDEN GMAT test was a complete test. It was great for me to discover my level of knowledge for the GMAT and also for me to get to know how the test works. It will definitely help me when the time for the real GMAT comes.

Danielle from Brazil
I'm a graphic Designer currently working as an art director at an advertising agency. I'm taking the GMAT in a couple of weeks and I've been studying hard for it. It's not an easy test, specially managing the time to answer the questions. But studying for it is giving me another perspective in how to solve problems faster and in a more logic way. Thank you!

Sophiko from Georgia
I am currently studying to obtain ACCA membership and also looking for a job. Currently I am looking for a new job in Financial Reporting department. I was looking for a fast and convenient way to revitalize my brain for GMAT tests as they are often required for employment tests. I liked the mock test and how TestDEN stores information from previous tests and helps you identify your progress. It is also good to know where your score stands with other people around the world who have also taken the same test. I would recommend it to my friends.

Shane from Japan
I own both a rental property company, and an English tutoring company. The GMAT is an interesting test in that I find it accurately measures one's ability to think logically and critically under pressure. In practice I often found I would make mistakes by rushing though the problems, and missing a critical detail. Reading regularly I think can also really help in the verbal section. I don't think it really matters what you read, but if you are reading a fair volume of material daily it helps with reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension. Thank you very much!

Tamas from Hungary
I am a software developer. Recently I have applied for a job, and the recruiter suggested trying a free GMAT test before I start their online assessment. Fortunately I found TestDEN, because practicing on the website really helped me to achieve a better result in the assessment. TestDEN provides a great service to everyone.

John from Kenya
I have just finished my undergraduate and awaiting graduation later on this year. I am currently doing an internship while applying for a masters program in the UK. The Gmat test provided me with an opportunity to be able to practice as well as to be able to rate my own perfomance and work on improving on it. I am grateful to TestDEN for providing me with that opportunity.

Devon from South Africa
This is a wonderful surprise. I work as an Assistant Lecturer for the University of Pretoria, as well as study. As far as the GMAT test goes, I really thought the test you provided was a worthwhile exercise, and it stood me in good stead for one that I did for a job interview.

Nikhil from India
I am a software engineering working for an IT firm. I am a MBA aspirant and hope to do my studies from one of the prestigious universities in the United States or Canada. Taking the free Gmat tests provided by testDEN was quite challenging yet was a funfilled experience. Thanks.

Iasmin from Brazil
I am a business student and currently I am a marketing intern at a car manufacturer company. The GMAT test scared me at first, I thought it was going to be impossible to take. The Testden GMAT test helped me see that if I study and work hard I can definitely get a good score and enter a good university in a nearby future.

Daniel from Finland
I am currently finishing my master's degree. Afterwards I hope to pursue a Phd degree. In order to be admitted some schools require that I sit the GMAT. I hope I will be able to achieve a good score with the help of TestDEN.

Lia from Brazil
I am an economics student. I think the GMAT test is very good to evaluate both your english and logic skills, but it is a very difficult test.

Iulia from Romania
I am the Sales and Marketing Manager for BlueNote Communications. Regarding the GMAT test, I was very pleased to find it online for free. This gave me the opportunity to test my management abilities and compare to others. I think that your initiative to create an online GMAT fans community is wanderful.

Ravinder from India
I work as a tax analyst in an accounting firm. I have been preparing for the GMAT for the past 4 months and have been able to increase my verbal score due to TestDen. It is a great site for GMAT verbal preparation.

Johan from Sweden
I am an electrician currently looking for a job in Sweden or the EU. I appreciate the GMAT test, it's a good way to practise abstract and logical thinking.

Faisal from UAE
I work with the Government of Abu Dhabi. I thought the GMAT test was well organized and managed. I lacked confidence before I took your test but after having scored 100% in the verbal section, I feel more confident than ever before and I have now decided to actually take GMAT. Thanks TestDen.

Tessa from Jamaica
I am an Insurance Advisor. The GMAT test I completed on the TestDEN website was well put together and I appreciate the structure of the test. It gave me a better idea of how the real test will be structured, and it allowed me to practice while being timed. I believe that the practice tests on TestDEN are very useful.

Chattarin from Bangkok
I am an aerospace engineer working at a satellite ground station in Thailand. I'm looking to study finance in the US in the future so I was thinking about taking the GMAT test. I applied to sit the test next month. Wish me luck!

Chris from Netherlands
I work as a webcontent manager for a restaurant guide. I believe the GMAT test is a great option that TestDEN offers us visitors, because it is a very easily accesible test, the actual task is very clear (opposing many other websites with such tests), and personally I enjoyed filling it out. It was quick, it worked without flaws or bugs, and it gave a result within minutes. This was a very open and direct way to test my skills. I hope TestDEN will provide us with such possibilities for many years to come!

Sotiris from Germany
I'm a graduate student in philosophy in Berlin. TestDEN's GMAT test is really helpful, because you can practice and acquire skills for the actual test without expensive lessons or time constrains.

Javier from Chile
I am an Industrial Engineer. GMAT is a tough test, but it's feasible to train. Practice plus good execution tips seem to be the key to a great score. I'm confident that with enough practice and discipline, I'll somehow manage to get a good-enough score to apply to the best MBA programs.

Amit from Singapore
I work in the banking sector in India, but right now on leave from my job. GMAT is a way to get into the top management institutions of the world. The test is computer adaptive and scores as per the accuracy and consistency of the candidates.

Steven from Belgium
I work as a financial analyst. GMAT is a good test to get a sense of a persons certain capabilities.


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